Continuously monitor your critical equipment


The MSO is designed for permanent and continuous monitoring of your critical equipment.
The MSO solution seamlessly integrates into the Machine Sentry® platform.
allowing the connection of wired sensors(vibration, ultrasonics, temperature, pressure, oil, and other analog signals) to provide a 360° connected maintenance solution.
It enables a continuous connection via the local network, WIFI, or 3/4G to the Machine Sentry® software.

MSO applications

  • Gas Turbines or Steam Turbines
  • Wind Turbines
  • Compressors
  • Various complex machines
  • Etc.

MSO advantages

  • Compact and easy to integrate into your existing facilities
  • Economical - Easy to install - Multi-sensor and modular
  • Intelligent system integrated with Machine Sentry
  • Adaptable to all types of applications
  • No maintenance costs
  • Compatible with your supervision system or CMMS