About us

Digital Predict Innovation is a company specialized in Predictive Maintenance for industrial plants. Through our connected sensors and expertise, we assist our clients in reducing maintenance costs, increasing equipment availability, and extending their lifespan. We offer innovative and competitive solutions while adhering to the values of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Qui sommes-nous

Our story About us

Cédric and Frédéric, experts in industrial maintenance, predictive maintenance, and IoT, founded Digital Predict Innovation to provide predictive maintenance solutions based on connected sensors and artificial intelligence.

"We observed that predictive maintenance had reached its limits due to a lack of skills and human resources. Our solutions enable businesses to predict failures, reduce maintenance costs, and increase equipment availability."

Through Digital Predict Innovation, we are convinced that technology can enhance the competitiveness of businesses while contributing to a more sustainable and responsible future. By improving operational efficiency, reducing environmental impact, and promoting social responsibility, we strive to make a positive impact.About us

Our vision

Empowering industrial professionals without the need for prerequisite skills.

Nous croyons fermement que les capteurs connectés, les données et l’Intelligence Artificielle sont les pierres angulaires de la transformation numérique de l’industrie, et que cette évolution peut aider à créer une industrie plus respectueuse de l’environnement et plus durable.

Nous sommes passionnés par l’accompagnement des professionnels de l’industrie dans leur parcours vers l’excellence en matière de fiabilité et de performance.

Qui sommes-nous

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Albert Einstein

Are you seeking different reliability outcomes?

Our team, experts in Predictive Maintenance and IoT, will study the solution tailored to your equipment.

I get in touch

Besoin d’une solution personnalisée pour améliorer la performance de vos équipements ?

Our experts in Predictive Maintenance and IoT can analyze your situation to propose the most effective solution.

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